Mediashaker Social Media Solution
Grow your reach exponentially on a platform that allows you multiple point of contact day.How often can you contact your customers on your current marketing platforms before they feel like you're filling their inbox with junk mail? Once a week? Maybe once a day?
What if there was a way to reach your customers multiple times a day and have them wishing it was even more?
Social Media provides this kind of opportunity - if you're authentic, creative and have something meaningful to say. Many of the fastest growing most popular pages with highly active members post every hour or two hours.
Social Media is NOT simply a platform where people waste time at work avoiding what they're supposed to be doing. Social media is the most extensive network and relied upon platform for people to gather every kind of information and make purchasing, personal and even political decisions.
- A reasonably well managed page will grow at 1.5%/week which translates to 100%/year.
- A professionally managed page will grow at about 3%/week or 450%/year.
- A professionally managed page with paid advertising will grow at about 5%/week or 1200%/year.(*Numbers may be lower or higher depending on the specific audience.)
What can I offer my customers directly from Facebook?
- Facebook exclusive codes and offers
- Special event notice
- Special offers
- Coupons
- Contests
- Events
Get started now: Email - or call 866-803-5148 to set up your assessment.
You've likely been asked if you have a Facebook page. You've probably checked out a company's Facebook page in yourself at some point. Not having a Facebook page that is professionally managed today is the equivalent of a company not managing their website 15 years ago. People absolutely judge the level of genuine customer care and connection by Social media. The company's who take care of this detail rank much higher in the eyes of their customers.
Simple campaign idea
- Imagine you go to buy a leather jacket and they ask if you'd like to be notified of their exclusive 75% off sales 2 days ahead of the general public. You say you would and they have you add them to your Facebook feed while they ring you up.
- 45 days later their notice of their 75% off sale begins showing up in your feeds reminding you that in two weeks that Facebook members will receive a two day advance notice and code for the sale. This continues every day until the two day notice and the code is provided via Facebook and you go in and pick up the only jacket in your size that's on sale at that price.
This is how you build an entirely new avenue of customer service and
loyalty. And if you're not doing it, your competition will be building
these forms of reach and service and growing their list exponentially
every day organically while you're paying for traditional advertising.
The degree to which Facebook provides a business a direct link to their customer can't be overstated. At this point virtually everyone has a Smart Phone and the amount of time people are spending on it is overtaking their use of the home computer. Time spent on Social Media is on the rise and if you're not in your customer's feed, someone else is getting their attention and their consumer dollars.
How much is a fan on Facebook actually worth to your bottom line?
There are two ways to measure this:
1. The first is the opportunity to sell them products and services directly from Facebook.
2. The opportunity to transfer Facebook Fans over to your direct email and mailing lists.
Consider combining physical mail, email and Facebook together for extra powerful campaigns.
Contact us to get your Social Media Campaign started today! Email - or call 866-803-5148.
How can I grow my Facebook following?
Reach and growth are only limited by your AUTHENTICITY, CREATIVITY, and BUDGET if you choose to invest in paid advertising.
Authenticity - This is the key to organic growth on social
media. It's like the audience can tell when someone trying to sell
them something and they'll quickly make you vanish from their feeds, but
if you're offering genuine value with a personal voice they'll respond
and turn your offer into a viral success.
If people are always telling you how approachable you are, how much
they appreciate your candid, easy going and engaging nature, then that
authenticity is easily translated to a social media platform.
If you're more linear in your process, then your job is to be able
to recognize a member on your team who excels at this - the one who
everyone gravitates to at the water cooler, or the office party and tap
them for their natural strength in this area.
Of course, like any skill set, there are those whose natural gifts
have been focused into a specialized service and you can hire social
media mavens who excel at communicating your unique brand and offers to
your audience in a way so engaging that you may even find yourself
clicking on a button to purchase before realizing it's your own offer.
Creativity - If you think about your own Facebook feed, what
catches your eye? There's something about people who have a knack for
communicating in a fun, engaging and insightful way that makes you stop
and take notice. There are no limits, only the limits of one's own
The challenge with creativity is combining the bottom line of
business results with fun. It's a special kind of person who has just
the right mix of business savvy and creative expression. You'll have a
good idea if this person is already on your team and they will have a
track record of coming up with marketing that makes you thankful they're
working for you.
The one caution with creative expression is that you need to
consider that things aren't always received the way they were intended.
Balancing creativity with business maturity is a must in order to
ensure that when people are seeing your brand it's in a positive light.
Until you know that whoever is looking after this detail gets that
balance right, you should have an approval process set up by someone who
can easily recognize this distinction.
Budget- While more money can guarantee more exposure, it
doesn't guarantee more customer spending. Market research is the key to
ensuring that every dollar spent on Facebook is one that eventually
results in more than a dollar in customer spending. The goal, of
course, is to have every dollar spent on advertising turn into multiple
dollars spent.
This requires someone who can track and read the metrics on your
Facebook platform as well as a way of connecting all associated spending
back to the Facebook post that caught their attention. This turns your
budgeting into simple math and once dialed in will make you want to
spend as much money as possible when each dollar spent results in
multiple dollars in sales.
If you already have someone on your team who obsesses over the
tracking of your Google AdWords campaign and your email marketing
campaigns, they can easily be trained to read these combined metrics as
3 Most common misunderstandings about business marketing of Facebook
1. The number of fans you have is the number of people who will see what you post.
FALSE - Most pages reach only 1% of their fans.
SOME reach 300% of their fans - this means that what was posted went VIRAL.
If you have a Facebook following of 5,000 fans and only 50 people on
average see your posts, what is the increase in exposure if 15,000
people see your posts? 30,000%
2. People who use Facebook aren't there to spend money and don't want to be advertised to.
FALSE - Nobody wants to be 'sold' things, but everyone loves great value and no one can resist the right offer.
Imagine if you didn't have to do any traditional advertising, if you
could go directly to your customers and inform them of your latest offer
and you were able to pass on the direct sale savings to them - you can
do precisely that.
3. Advertising is Advertising - you need to spend money to make money
FALSE - Just like with all advertising, spending money doesn't
guarantee you'll make money. It needs to be the right strategy, but
unlike other forms of advertising, there is a FREE way to reach your
customers if they trust the conversation that you engage with them in on
your page.
Facebook wants people to spend more time on its platform, so if you
create great content and engaging posts that people 'Like,' 'Comment' on
and 'Share' Facebook will reward you with FREE additional
distribution. Your reach will get pushed into more and more feeds based
on how quickly people respond to and share what you've posted.
What prevents most businesses from running effective social media campaigns.
1. Lack of experience
Social media and traditional advertising are not the same thing. In
fact, if you run social media the way you run your advertising you will
push people away. Advertising is equivalent to a cold calling sales
force while Social Media is equivalent to Customer Service.
2. Lack of knowledge
There are hundreds of metrics that Facebook makes available to a business at a glance on it's page. Making sense of these numbers is like reading any other sales and conversion data for your business, but like everything, there is a learning curve. Your ability to quickly assess these numbers at a glance determines how effectively and efficiently you can adjust your strategy to your customer's response.
3. Lack of expertise
Social media requires a specialized kind of personality to make the connection online feel personal. If you've never specifically hired and selected someone for this skill set it may not be something that you or your staff excel at.
Mediashaker Solutions:
1. Social Media Assessment
We can go through your business model and assess what strategies will
be effective for your demographic. This is a 90 minute Skype or
telephone meeting with someone on your team that has access to
demographics and sales data in order for us to give you hard data to
make decisions about where to focus and what it's worth to invest.
2. Social Media Setup
We can set up your Social Media platforms for you. While relatively
straight forward, if you've never done this it can take a number of
hours to go through all of the processes involved in choosing the most
appropriate custom name, putting together the graphics and linking
everything to your site.
We can do this for you so that it is all integrated together in a
way that links all of your pages together and cross refers them back to
each other. At a minimum you'll need Facebook properly set up. The
assessment will determine if other platforms are valuable based on the
demographics of your audience.
3. Social Media Training
We can train your team to run your social media campaigns as part of
your marketing efforts. Because this is a unique skill, effectiveness
is dependent on having a team member who understands both marketing and
social media. If there is someone in place who combines both these
skill sets, we will work with them over two months to train them on the
skill set. (*Note - this skill set is dependent on the individual and
goes where they go.)
4. Social Media Management
We can look after your Social Media platforms for you. Our Social Media department specializes in this area of expertise. They have tens of thousands of hours of time invested across the different platforms and have seen thousands of examples of what's most effective for these mediums of communication.Whether you're running an organic campaign or spending for greater reach through advertising, the effectiveness of what you do is dependent on how close to the cutting edge the individual posting for you is. This is critical to your ability to be effective on the platform.
Where most posts reach 1% of a subscribed audience, a viral post can reach 50,000, 500,000, even 5 million unique views.
Get started today - Social media is no longer an option, it's as critical as having your website. Set up your consultation and we'll let you know what kinds of opportunities are available to you to grow your client base even while your doors are closed and you're on vacation.
Email - or call 866-803-5148 to set up your assessment.